G is for the Great Pumpkin

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Y'all I'm officially one week into the 31 posts of October with today's G is for the Great Pumpkin.

This is what my watch told me this morning:

Fun fact: the rest of that message was “That’s gotta feel good!”

And no, I wasn't up waiting on the Great Pumpkin. Just different things pulling in all directions, plus Dr. Nerd starting a new rotation and getting sick on top of it. "Luckily" he was sick on his one day off so he pretty much slept through it.

All the snaps to the full-time work-at-home parents, because...damn…

G is for the Great Pumpkin

G is for the Great Pumpkin

It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is over 50 years old now. So it’s not only been around for our whole lives, but for some of the younger parents out there, it’s been a part of Halloween celebrations even since their parents were kids.

We're going to have a hard time topping yesterday's heart-pumping experiment, especially since I'm not trying to violate copyright law, so here's your options if you're looking to share the story of the great pumpkin with your littles this holiday season.


Is the Great Pumpkin part of your Halloween experience? How do you incorporate it into your traditions with your new family.

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