
Will update on more details, but for now here's some screenshots showing the plugins I currently have installed and enabled

Core Plugins

Community Plugins

Folder Note


This adds a banner image across the top of your note (as wanted) to mimic the style of Notion notes. Purely aesthetic, at least the way I use it

Better Word Count

Highly recommended if you are writing anything to publish or turn into school. It goes beyond the built-in Obsidian word count capabilities and adds pretty basic functionality like displaying word count for a highlighted selection


Highly regarded calendar plugin, though TBH I only use it for the ability to one-click create my weekly notes

Clear Unused Images

I got this for the purpose of clearing out duplicates of images in my attachments folder and slimming down my vault overall. Very handy (although of course be careful since you're potentially deleting tons of files) when needed, but I've since disabled it, since it's not something I need on a regular basis.


This gives greater customization to the ribbon menu and allows you to add (or remove) commands and customize icons for many of the Obsidian menus.

Contextual Typography

TBH I don't remember what tumhis one does, but it came up a lot as something that was needed for other things I was using, like cards.


This is one of the best loved plugins among the community. It allows you to write queries to pull in information from across your vault for creating databases, maps of content, task lists, and a lot more. The result is NOT in plain markdown which means that the results of these queries will not carry over if you leave Obsidian.

Dice Roller

What it says on the tin. I enable my TTRPG plugins when I'm actually playing or planning.

Digital Garden

This is the plugin that allows me to actually publish my notes and deliver them to you. This plugin is extremely powerful and has a ton of functionality for the cost (it's free - if you use it, please consider donating on their Ko-Fi page). I use it instead of the official paid Obsidian Publish option, and for now I prefer it, though I may switch to Publish in the future if they provide increased plugin support.

Emoji Toolbar

Pretty much just makes it easier to add emoji when I'm on desktop. Rarely used and will probably uninstall, especially now that I'm primarily on mobile.

Fantasy Calendar

I am now using this as my main calendar in Obsidian, but it is also for TTRPGs, allowing you to specify the number of days in a week, days in a month, months in a year, etc... for your fictional world. In addition to the real-world calendar, they also have a couple of pre-built options such as the Exandrian calendar, and you can add multiple calendars to the plugin.

Fantasy Statblocks

Create statblocks for your monsters and display them in Obsidian.


Specify a note as a homepage. This is like the ultimate Folder Note. I use it as a dashboard that displays my next actions, grocery list, information about my threads and my vault, and more.

Image Inserter

Allows you to search and embed images from free sites like Pexels and Unsplash directly from within Obsidian. Probably only useful for bloggers

Imgur Plugin

Not necessary for many people, but may be useful if you have a ton of images. This plugin automatically uploads images to Imgur (when asked) and links to them instead of keeping a local copy in your vault.

Initiative tracker

Tracks initiative order for TTRPGs


I don't use the quick capture plugin which is often recommended. Instead, I use Lumberjack which allows me to quickly open my daily note and jump to the rapid log section. On mobile, I have this command tied to my quick action which means that swiping down on the screen automatically takes me to a place I can immediately start typing out thoughts without losing them.

Natural Language Dates

This plugin helps Obsidian understand dates like tomorrow or yesterday so that you don't have to always type it out in yyyy-mm-dd format

Obsidian Leaflet

For interactive maps, also used for TTRPGs, though it has capabilities beyond that.


Omnivore is a read-it-later app, and this plugin syncs your Omnivore bookmarks into Obsidian so you can take notes on the things you read.

Periodic Notes

Highly recommended if you intend to do any planning in Obsidian. The daily note is a core plugin, but not weekly or monthly. You can technically get by without this plugin, and I did for a long time, but it makes managing them a lot easier. Made by the same guy as the Calendar plugin and has a lot of cross-plugin functionality if you use both


This plugin allows you to view your projects in a number of different ways - as a list, on a calendar, kanban board, etc... much like Todoist now does, or my beloved (but unfortunately not cross-compatible with anything and therefore destined to never reach its potential) Zenkit did from the start. Don't start with this one, but it's something to consider adding in later on if you find you need it. It can take the place of the Kanban plugin, though either plugin will leave you with files that are not markdown. It's also kind of annoying how each task kind of needs to be its own card which means it needs to be its own note.

Reading Time

Shows how long it will take to read a note. Most useful for bloggers

Recent Files

Highly recommended for assisting your working memory. This plugin adds a view to the file navigation which displays your most recently opened files so you can easily remember what you were working on and get back to it.


Add a pop-up alarm to your tasks. Not needed if you're not doing task management or calendaring in Obsidian.


Allows you to click the header of a Dataview table to change how it is sorted. Very nice in its specific little niche

Style Settings

Used with many themes to control a number of various settings. Nice especially if you don't know CSS yourself.

Tag Wrangler

Allows you to rename and otherwise manage tags across your whole vault.


Task management in Obsidian. Can be used alongside Dataview, or instead of Dataview task management. Requires a pretty specific formatting for it to work properly.


Brings tremendous power beyond that of a basic Obsidian template. Highly recommended if you want any kind of context in your Obsidian templates beyond the current date and time. Although the templates themselves are not written entirely in markdown, the result once the template is triggered is plain markdown format.

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